1. Contract No. 2. Amount $ 3. Contractor’s Name 4. Vendor Code
5. Contract Manager’s Name/Title/Division |
6. Contract Manager’s Address & Phone No., and E-mail Address |
7. Method of Payment |
8. Service Desc and Class/Group |
Fixed Unit Rate Fixed Price Lump Sum Cost Reimbursement
Cost Plus (any combination) Advance Funded
Single Source: Exemption: 287.057(3)(e): #
Emergency Yes, (Requires Documentation)
State Term Contract No. Required by Law:
Contract less than or equal to $35,000 ___ _______
10. CFDA No. OR CSFA No. If a number is assigned, then determine the relationship as follows:
Vendor OR Recipient/Subrecipient
11._________________________________________________ 12. ___________________________________________
Office of Contracts, Grants and Procurement Date Budget Officer’s Approval Date
Audit Section’s Approval (if applicable)
13. _________________________________________________ 14. Risk Assessment:
Chief Technology Officer Approval for Date Score
Information Resource Management (IRM) (if applicable) Direct Indirect Pass-through
15. Beginning Date Ending Date 16. Disclosure Statement 17. Contract Term and Renewals
FLAIR Account Code: |
GF |
SF |
BE 48 48 |
IBI 00 00 |
DIV L2 |
BUR L3 |
SEC L4 |
L5 |
EO |
94100 0004 |
19. Submitted By Date Telephone No.
21. Summary of any time constraints that applied to the procurement
22. Justification for not using competitive solicitation
A. Contract Administrator |
Comments |
Signature Date |
B. Program Director’s Approval |
Comments |
Signature Date |
C. Cabinet Member’s Approval |
Comments |
Signature Date |
D. Office of the Comptroller, Contract Section |
Comments |
Signature Date |
E. Office of the General Counsel – Legal Review |
Comments |
Approve Disapprove Subject To |
Signature Date |
F. Obtain Contractor’s Approval of Contracts |
G. Assistant Deputy Commissioner |
Comments |
H. Deputy Commissioner/Finance and Operations |
Comments |
Signature Date |
I. Obtain Commissioner’s Approval of Contracts |
J. Contract Administrator |
Contract Distributed Date: |
1. |
The Contract Manager will indicate if the contract is an original contract, amendment, renewal or extension. The Contract Administrator will provide each division with a block of numbers to be used when contracts are initiated. This number will also be used when processing an amendment. |
2. |
Enter the total dollar amount of the Contract. If amending to increase or decrease, enter the amended amount. If the contract is not capped, enter “open ended.” |
3. |
Enter the Contractor’s Name as it appears in the contract. |
4. |
Vendor Code (minority/non-minority code): This will be completed by the Contract Administration Department. |
5, 6. |
Enter the Contract Manager’s Name, Title, Division, Address, Phone Number and E-mail Address. |
7. |
Check the appropriate box to identify the Method of Payment: Fixed Unit Rate: Specified Unit and Rate (may be multiple units & rates) Fixed Price: Agreement must show minimum performance standards for deliverables Lump Sum: Specified partial payment criteria or one lump sum, deliverable(s) Cost Reimbursement: – Budget Schedule is Required. If State Agency or Community College, 216.346, F.S. must be complied with. Cost Plus: Any combination of the above Advance Funded: If yes, compliance with 216.181(16)(b), F.S. or 215.422(14), F.S., and Rule 69I-40.120(3), F.A.C must be documented
8. |
Service Desc and Class/Group: This is a six-digit number assigned to commodities and services and the description of the products or services that is found on the State Purchasing System (SPURS). This will be completed by the Contract Administration Department. |
9. |
Identify the Method of Procurement: Single Source: Enter Number Assigned by the Procurement Office, and provide Cost Analysis RFP, ITB, ITN, RFQ: Enter Number Assigned by the Procurement Office Exemption: Cite the number to identify the exemption, and provide Cost Analysis Emergency: Check the appropriate box. If yes, provide documentation. State Term Contract: Enter the Contract Number if the purchase is from a state term contract and provide three quotes (RFQ). Required By Law: Enter General Appropriation Act #, Florida Statute #, etc. and provide copy. Also, provide a Cost analysis. Contracts less than or equal to $35,000: Provide quotes, documentation and explanation of selection method as applicable |
10. |
Please mark whether purchase falls under the Florida Single and/or Federal Single Audit Acts. CFDA is a number assigned to a federal program in the catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance; CSFA – The catalog of State Financial Assistance is a comprehensive listing of state projects determined by the Executive Office of the Governor. If a CFDA or CSFA number is assigned, then the box for Vendor or Recipient/Subrecipient must be checked. |
11. |
If contract falls under requirements of the State or Federal Single Audit Act, the DOE Comptroller Audit Section will need to review, sign and date. If not applicable, mark as N/A. |
12. |
Budget Officer checks for available budget authority and correct payment coding. Signs and dates form. |
13. |
Chief Technology Officer will review for all technology (Information Resource Management) purchases. Signs and dates form. |
14. |
Risk Assessment: Check the one that applies: A.) Score - Please indicate the Risk Assessment Score. B.) Direct will be used when the contract provider deals directly with a client or a group of clients. Indirect will be used for all other contract, except Pass-through is when a non-Federal entity provides a Federal award to a subrecipient to carry out a Federal program. Characteristics of a Pass-through are when DOE determines the procurement method and is responsible for monitoring the performance of the contract - the risk level is determined by the criteria of the contract. Directed Appropriation is when State funds are appropriated to an individual who is specifically named in the proviso language of the General Appropriations Act or other law. Characteristics of a Specific Appropriation are that little or no funding is retained by the fiscal agent and that usually limited oversight or control by DOE is involved.
15. |
The Contract Manager will complete the Beginning Date and the Ending Date as specified in the Contract. |
16. |
Disclosure Statement: Check the appropriate box and attach signed form certifying no conflict of interest. |
18. |
Provide the term of the contract and the contract renewal period(s) (e.g., 3 year term with 1, 3 year renewal).
Complete the FLAIR budget coding: organization code, expansion option, object code, amount, Vendor ID or Journal Transfer No., grant number, and FLAIR Account Code. If the contract crosses fiscal years, show the encumbrance coding for each year on page 2 of the Contract Approval Form.
19. |
Enter the name, date and phone number of the contract manager or associate preparing and routing the Contract. |
20. |
Use this section to provide any comments or explanation relating to the contract.
21. |
Provide a summary of any time constraints that applied to the procurement. If necessary, attach summary. |
22. |
Provide a justification for not using competitive solicitation. If necessary attach justification. |
A. |
Contract Administrator will ensure that steps 1. through 20. have been completed, that all required documentation is attached and that all attachments are labeled. Signs and dates approval form. |
B. |
Program Director completes review. Signs and dates approval form, forward for appropriate Cabinet Member approval. |
C. |
Cabinet Member will complete review, if applicable. Signs and dates approval form. |
D. |
Office of the Comptroller, Contract Section completes fiscal review. Signs and dates approval form. |
E. |
Office of the General Counsel will complete legal review. Signs and dates approval form. |
F. |
The originator will obtain the Contractor’s signature and date of signing on the 2 original contracts. Approval form will be checked when completed.
G. |
The Contract Administration Department will obtain the Assistant Deputy Commissioner‘s signature. |
H. |
The Contract Administration Department will obtain the Deputy Commissioner of Finance and Operation’s signature. |
I. |
The Contract Administration Department will obtain the Commissioner’s signature and date of signing on the 2 original contracts. Approval form will be checked when completed. |
J. |
Contract Administration Department will distribute the contract. Approval form will be dated. |
Contract Approval Form CM 01 Last revised August 16, 2013