The Payment Terms and Schedule for the procurement contract awarded to __(entity)__, Contract Number ___(number)__ are as follows:
I. | An “X” beside the correct provision in this section signifies that the provision is applicable to the Contract into which this Attachment B is incorporated. | |
A. | Place an “X” beside either 1 or 2: | ||
____1. | The total payment shall be the amount entered in the space provided in Section II, below. | |
Or | ||
____2. | The total payment shall be an amount not to exceed the amount entered in the space provided in Section II, below. | |
B. | Place an “X” beside either 1 or 2: | ||
____1. | The total payment shall be paid as a single, lump sum payment upon the Contractor meeting the criteria for completion of the Contract. | |
Or | ||
____2. | The total payment shall be paid as scheduled progress payments in accordance with Section III, below, which prescribes the amount of each payment, the specified Deliverable(s) that must be received and approved prior to each payment, and the projected payment date. | |
Or | ||
____ Not applicable | ||
C. | If I.A.2. applies, place an “X” beside any of the following that apply: | ||
____1. | The total payment includes amounts, which are set aside for specified activities as described in Section IV, below. Records shall be kept by the Contractor to account for amounts earned for each activity. In the event that the full amount set aside for any activity is not earned, the unearned amount shall revert to the Department and shall be reflected as an adjustment to the final payment. | |
____2. | Contract payments shall be based on a system of rates as prescribed in Section V, below, which shall account for all or a portion of the total contract payment also as prescribed in Section V, below. | |
II. | As specified in Section I.A., the amount of the total payment, or the amount that the total payment shall not exceed is the following: ___(spell number)_____ dollars ($__[enter digital number]___) | |
III. | The schedule of progress payments, the Deliverable(s) required to be received and approved, and the projected payment dates are set forth below. The actual date of payment shall be governed by the receipt and approval of the Deliverable(s), not by the projected payment date which is included to assist in planning the Contract activities and managing the project. | |
If Description is lengthy, write as a separate addendum to this Attachment and write identifying referral below (i.e. “See Addendum 1 to Attachment B, See Addendum 2 to Attachment B, etc.).
Amount of payment:
Projected Date:
Description of Deliverable(s):
IV. | The amounts included in the total payment which are set aside for specified activities in accordance with Section I.C.1, above, the specified activity to which each amount pertains, and the criteria under which the Contractor earns portions of the amount which is set aside are described below: | |
If Description and/or Criteria sections are lengthy, write as a separate addendum to this Attachment and write identifying referral below (i.e. “See Addendum 1 to Attachment B, See Addendum 2 to Attachment B, etc.).
Amount Set Aside:
Description of Activity:
Criteria for Earning Portion of the Amount which is set aside:
V. | The system of rates upon which contract payments are based is prescribed as follows: | |
A. As applicable, the type of work or the professional designation of a worker to whom the rate applies, the dollar amount of the rate, and the time unit covered by the rate amount are set forth below:
Dollar Amount:
Per Time Unit:
Type of Work or Professional Designation of a Worker:
B. | As needed, further description or explanation of the information prescribed in Section V.A, above, such as but not limited to conditions precedent to the commencement of work, payment caps by category, or conditions under which the time unit or dollar amount may be adjusted are as follows: | |
If further description and/or explanation is lengthy, write as a separate addendum to this Attachment and write identifying referral above (i.e. “See Addendum 1 to Attachment B, See Addendum 2 to Attachment B, etc.).
C. | Each invoice which requests a payment based upon the system of rates: |
- | shall identify the pertinent dollar amount per time unit and the category of type of work, or professional designation of worker, in language which corresponds to subsection V.A, above; | |
- | shall specify the totals of the time units and amount of payment sought for each category of type of worker and for each worker, and, | |
- | shall be documented by time and performance records which are adequate for preaudit and postaudit. | |
VI. | For purchases pursuant to state term contracts, the total payment for completion of all requirements of the Contract which makes specific the Department’s procurement under a State Term Contract awarded to the Contractor by the Department of Management Services reflects a savings to the Department in comparison to the total projected amount for the same work under the rates established in the State Term Contract No ___(number)___, as explained below: | |
If further description and/or explanation is lengthy, write as a separate addendum to this Attachment and write identifying referral below (i.e. “See Addendum 1 to Attachment B, See Addendum 2 to Attachment B, etc.).
VII. | Federal funds awarded through the Department by this Contract, if any: | |
Form OGC-CM 03 DOE Contract No._______
Revised April 2011 Attachment B, Page 1 of 1